What are Mitochondria?

We have several different ways that we break down food into actual energy. Our biggest energy production comes inside tiny parts of our cells called mitochondria. By several orders of magnitude, mitochondria has the capacity to make significantly more energy than any other pathways. We can think of mitochondria as the batteries of our cells. Our cells have different levels of mitochondria depending on how much energy they need. Our hearts require the most energy, and thus, have the most mitochondria.

Oxidative Damage:

At one of the last steps of energy production in the mitochondria, we utilize oxygen. Oxygen is obviously important for human health, however, it has a strong tendency to steal electrons from other molecules, causing oxidative damage. You can think of oxidative damage like a criminal that comes and steals bricks from your beautiful brick home. Over time, the house will crumble and fall apart. Very similar problems develop in our bodies inside our mitochondria. Unfortunately, once one molecule has lost an electron (in our metaphor, a brick), it creates a cascade of events where more and more molecules start to get degraded.

Membranes are Essential for Life:

As more of our mitochondria gets damaged from oxidative stress, the more the mitochondria fails to function. Life requires division of spaces, i.e. membranes. Imagine that your home had no doors or walls. A pesky door-to-door salesperson could just walk straight into your kitchen space and start harassing you. The doors and walls of your home make it clear what and whom is intended in what area and specifically, who should be communicating with whom. Inside our bodies and our cells, the same thing happens. In order for a particular cell to function, it needs division from everything else. Without strong, healthy membranes, anything can barge into the cell, leading to dysfunction and ultimately, cell death. This process happens in our mitochondria from oxidative stress and ultimately leads to mitochondrial death. This process has been associated with an accelerated aging and many disease processes, and certainly has the capacity to boost our energy production!

Nutrients for Mitochondria:

A great way to think about antioxidants is to imagine that we have left a pile of bricks outside our home for our brick thief. Not only does this pile of bricks help appease the criminal, but these bricks will also repair the existing damage to our homes. When we load up on antioxidants, we help stop the cascade of damage inside the mitochondria. This is a fantastic way to get to the core of why we may have low energy!

Vitamin Shots Provide the Antioxidants our Mitochondria Need!

Several of our recipes are designed specifically to target and repair our mitochondria. When we say that Vitamin Shots have the ability to boost your energy, we literally mean that Vitamin Shots can physiologically repair the damage that might be stopping you from feeling your best.

Please join us at our Vitamin Shot Happy Hour to learn more! No appointment necessary.

Tuesdays from 4-6pm

Fridays from 11-1pm


If these times do not work, then please feel free to make a 5 minute appointment for a Vitamin Shot any other time.